Solar Panels
Solar energy is gaining popularity in the UK and is becoming more affordable and easier to generate than ever before.
Over 1.2 million homes in the UK have already converted to some form of Solar Energy and a further 12,000 solar panels are installed on average each month according to national Government statistics.
The need for cheaper and more efficient sources of power has led to many households exploring greener alternatives. At SA Technical Services we are advocates of reducing the need for fossil fuel power generation and offer a wide range of sustainable alternatives.
Solar (PV) Panels
How does it work?
A solar PV panel consists of many cells made from layers of semi-conducting material, most commonly silicon. When light shines on this material, a flow of electricity is created. The cells don’t actually need direct sunlight to work and can even produce power on cloudy or overcast days. However, the stronger the sunshine, the more electricity is generated.
The location of your home is very important. An unshaded, South facing roof is the ideal location for maximising electrical output. A system facing East or West will generally yield around 15 to 20% less energy than one facing directly South and although North facing system are not recommended, there maybe alternative options which allow you to explore the advantages of solar energy.
Solar PV panels are considered ‘permitted developments’ and often don’t require planning permission. However, exceptions apply and it’s best to check with your local planning office or local authority for guidance.
Space is a key consideration. The average system size is around 3.5kWp and this will typically take up around 20m2 roof area.

Advantages of using
solar energy:
1. Renewable Energy
Solar energy is classified as one of the most effective sources of renewable energy. The sun is a free commodity and although the British winters may seem bleak at times new technology means we can harness more of the suns power and convert it into electricity to heat, cool or power appliances throughout your home or office.
2. Clean energy.
With new recycled materials being increasingly used within the construction process of Solar PV (photovoltaic) Panels, the Carbon Footprint of manufacture and installation is decreasing making them an even greener solution than ever before.
3. Save money on electricity bills.
With energy bills hitting an all time high, having your own supply of sustainably generated power could see a reduction in your monthly bills and in some cases offer you the opportunity to sell some of it back to your energy provider.
4. No "Planning Permission".
As solar panels are considered ‘permitted development’ you usually don't need a permit to install them on your roof. There are a few limitations you need to bear in mind before installation and it's always worth checking with your local Authority before carrying out any work.
5. Low maintenance.
Once installed, solar panels require very little maintenance or ongoing servicing.